8 Weird Bible Characters


I’ve probably read the Bible 2-3 times in college and just out of interest. I don’t read for religious guidance, but because there is some crazy stuff in there. The stories you don’t regularly hear are always the best, and some seem more like a King Arthur story or a Greek myth than a Sunday school tale. With a wealth of crazy stories, characters and sayings, I’m sure this will be one of many bible posts. Below are eight of the weirdest characters I’ve come across in the Bible. Enjoy.

8. King Eglon of Moab

In Judges 3:12 readers learn that the Israelites have been conquered by the tyrannical Eglon, King of Moab. What’s weird is what God does to this guy. He sends the Israelites Ehud, a left-handed Jewish assassin. Ehud delivers a tribute to Eglon and then dismisses everyone from the royal chamber so he and the king can have some private time (not sure how he pulled that one off). He walks up to Eglon and promptly stabs him in the gut. The Bible says that the blade got sucked into his fat and the King fell to the ground and died. Now you’d think the guards would come in, catch Ehud and kill him on the spot right? Wrong. Ehud just walks out and locks the door. When the servants notice the door is locked, the figure the king must be taking a bath. By the time they realize their mistake, Ehud and the Israelites are celebrating off in the mountains.

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